[Stellenangebote] Vollzeit-Job: DevOps Engineer (Server/Backend) & Embedded Software Engineer, volatiles, Berlin

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sa Apr 8 16:19:47 CEST 2017

volatiles is a Berlin-based, fast growing IoT / Smart Lighting start-up
that develops
the next generation of connected lighting technology. We combine deep tech
beautiful design. As our company grows, we move from a highly tech-centric
to a more
balanced team. We're an ambitious bunch of strong individuals and
passionate about
building truly innovative products. Grow with us and shape our company in
this exciting
phase. volatiles is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified
applicants will be
considered regardless of religion, gender, age and race. We look forward
to receiving
your application at jobs at volatiles.lighting

Embedded Software Engineer
full-time in Berlin

Your responsibilities
* Port existing code to new platforms
* Implement code refractoring and optimization
* Maintain test cases and continuous integration
* Write drivers for new hardware
* Harden user-facing interfaces

Your background
* Fluency in the C programming language
* Algorithmic knowledge, ideally graphical methods
* Experience in developing software for Cortex M4 based MCUs, ideally
experience with STM32
* Knowledge of FreeRTOS
* Focus on security
* Experience within TDD (test driven development) environments
* Experienced software engineer with a proven track record of
specification, design & development
* Debugging of embedded systems
* Linux experience
* Excellent command of written and spoken English. German is a plus, but
not required

DevOps Engineer (Server/Backend)
full-time in Berlin, Germany

Your responsibilities
* Maintain and develop our backend while providing scalability
* Create new business relevant services
* Implement data processing on the server
* Install and maintain a CMS
* Maintain our customer and business databases
* Implement integration of IoT services

Your background
* Management of Java or JavaScript based business software
* Working knowledge of SQL and one common database technology,
such as Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB
* Experience with at least one unit testing framework
* Load balancing with nginx
* CMS deployment and integration
* Linux administration (Ubuntu)
* Excellent command of written and spoken English. German is a plus,
but not required

Für Rückfragen stehe ich gern zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
im Auftrag
Jasmin Hazim

Profund Innovation

Team Wissens- und Technologietransfer
Abteilung Forschung
Freie Universität Berlin
+49 (0) 30 838 73654 Telefon
+49 (0) 30 838 473666 Telefax

Jasmin.hazim at fu-berlin.de
<mailto:Jasmin.hazim at fu-berlin.de%0b>www.profund.fu-berlin.de<http://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/profund/index.html>


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