[Stellenangebote] Vollzeit-Job: Backend Javascript Developer, FreightHub, Berlin Mitte
Katharina Beier
kunzezu at gmx.de
Sa Jul 2 13:31:47 CEST 2016
# the company
FreightHub’s Vision is to change the way freight is handled today.
Through a genuinely designed user experience and unrivalled focus on
automating processes we significantly reduce time, errors and valueless
effort currently fuelled into the freight booking process.
# looking for
- we are looking for a backend Javascript Dev (node.js)
- we’re looking for 10x rockstar engineers. 10x doesn’t mean 10x faster,
but the right code quickly - which is what truly makes a 10x engineer.
- we’re looking for someone with a strong opinion. You know the latest
shit and you not only have the freedom but the mission to fuel the
product with your ideas.
*# your tasks*
building the backbone for our global freight shipping platform, including:
- implementing and improving our multi modal routing algorithms that
analyze millions of data points every day
- working with a multitude of different API’s from our suppliers and
ocean carriers to build solutions like automated freight booking or
track and trace for ships, trucks and terminals
- analyzing manual processes carried out in the operations department
and identifying and implementing task automation, using state of the art
tech like chat bots, voice recognition and machine learning
# why us
- revolutionize a global $150bn market
- join our companies open source efforts and give back to the community
and create visibility of your work
- work in an international and highly professional young team (Stanford,
Google, BMW etc.)
- seize an opportunity to learn cutting edge new technologies and
evaluate them in production
*Christina Sophie Schmid*
People and Culture Management
+ 49 176 3100 7573
www.freighthub.com <http://ship.freighthub.com>
Deep Blue Ocean Internet GmbH | Saarbrücker Str. 37A | 10405 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Ferry Heilemann, Erik Muttersbach | HRB 175958B
All our services are subject exclusively to the Allgemeine Deutsche
Spediteurbedingungen 2016 („ADSp 2016”) (German Freight Forwarders'
General Terms and Conditions 2016). Pursuant to clause 23 ADSp 2016, the
liability for loss and damage of goods, is additionally limited to Euro
1 Million and 2 SDR/kg per claim and Euro 2 Million and 2 SDR/kg per
event, whichever is high-er respectively, whereas multimodal
transportation with involvement of carriage of goods by sea is limited
to 2 SDR/kg.
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