[Stellenangebote] Online-Konferenz "AI With the Best", 24./25.9.
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Di Aug 30 13:14:00 CEST 2016
Kostet für Studierende USD 20,-
Lutz Prechelt
From: Louise Caron [mailto:louise at bemyapp.com]
Sent: Dienstag, 30. August 2016 11:18
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Invitation to the biggest AI Conference w/ 100 top experts
Dear Professor Prechelt,
I’m organizing AI With The Best on September 24th to 25th and I thought some of your students from Freie Universitat could be interested. For this new type of e-learning experience, we set up a special student price.
The best experts, CEOs, CTOs and researchers of the field will share their last discoveries, precious coding tips and do live demos. They’re, amongst others, running startups like Phoenixia, LegalRobot <https://www.legalrobot.com/> , Snips <https://snips.ai/> , OpenAI <https://openai.com/about/> , x.ai, Peter Norvig - head of research at Google, experts at Netflix & IBM Watson but also professors from top Universities. You'll find enclosed the list of the most famous speakers.
They’ll give 30min technique talks followed by 20min unmoderated Q&A session. Furthermore, the registrants can book an available speaker for an individual video call. They also have access to all the presentations and replays for 2 months after the event.
Here is the website: http://ai.withthebest.com <http://ai.withthebest.com?utm_source=bma&utm_medium=mailschoolsukde&utm_content=&utm_campaign=aiwtb>
Please let me know if you’ve got any question. I’d be really grateful if you could spread the word to your students. To make it easier I have attached a flyer that you can share with the students.
Have a wonderful day,
Best regards,
P.S. : AI With The Best will be shortly followed by IoT With The Best on October 29th and 30th.
Louise CARON
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