[Stellenangebote] Ehrenamt: Chief Operations Officer beim Journal of Young Investigators
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Do Aug 4 13:58:39 CEST 2016
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From: Journal of Young Investigators [mailto:cco=jyi.org at mail143.suw14.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of Journal of Young Investigators
Sent: Donnerstag, 4. August 2016 06:00
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Accepting Applications for Chief Operations Officer
Undergraduate Research Journal Seeks Staff and Submissions!
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Apply for the
Chief Operations Officer Position
JYI is seeking highly qualified and motivated
students for the CCO position
The Journal of Young Investigators (JYI) is an independent, non-profit, peer-reviewed, online science journal that is managed entirely by and for undergraduate students from across the world. JYI’s innovative manuscript review process serves as a platform for undergraduates to be involved in every step of the peer-review process, a valuable experience that cannot be found anywhere else. Our staff is made up entirely of undergraduate students, with the assistance of faculty and professional mentors. All of our staff receive comprehensive training from their department, which can include corporate management, science writing, journalism, editing, finance management, and programming. Since its founding in 1997, JYI has been the pioneering journal for reviewing undergraduate research, publishing science news, and providing career information. JYI’s unique mission has been recognized in Science, Nature, EurekAlert!, The Chronicle on Higher Education, and The New York Times.
The Chief Operating Officer is in charge of fostering a supportive environment for JYI staff members and serves as a bridge between leadership and staff. Responsibilities include managing internal programs, coordinating staff applications, working with universities worldwide, and monitoring recruitment drives. The COO ultimately ensures that all staff understand and fulfill our organization’s primary mission of enriching undergraduate science education and journalism.
For more information on the COO application, please visit <http://jyi.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f1a3b7b2d3cb335f09ccdf9f6&id=d5cefb2fcb&e=2e5452388b> http://www.jyi.org/participate/student/
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The Journal of Young Investigators · The Journal of Young Investigators is an electronic publication. · We operate anywhere, and everywhere! 00000 · USA
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