[Stellenangebote] Vollzeit-Job: Research position, photoacoustic tomography of blood oxygen saturation, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mo Mär 23 22:12:28 CET 2015

Hallo Leute,

anbei eine spannende Promotionsgelegenheit am ZIB in der Gruppe Visual
Data Analysis.

Viele Grüße

The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is a non-university research institute
under public law of the state of Berlin.

The division Mathematics for Life and Materials Sciences is offering
within the DFG-funded project “Development and experimental validation
of methods for quantitative photoacoustic tomography of blood oxygen
saturation in vivo†in the research group “Image Analysis in Biology
and Materials Scienceâ€. The position is to be filled as soon as
possible under a fixed-term contract for two years with the option to be

*Research position (f/m)
**Pay grade E 13 TV-L Berlin (100%)
Reference code: WA 13/15*

*Areas of responsibility*

The project is aimed at the development and experimental validation of
methods for the quantitative photoacoustic tomography of blood oxygen
saturation. The work will involve the development of a numerical model
of photoacoustic signal generation, inversion methods, and related image
analysis methods, such as segmentation and registration. The applicant
is expected to collaborate closely with the Photoacoustic Imaging Group
at the Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics of the Technical
University Berlin on the validation of the new methods in tissue phantom
experiments or in vivo measurement in small animal models.


*Key requirements*

·University degree with a strong background in mathematics, computer
science, physics, engineering, or a relevant subject.

·Experience in some or all of the following areas is essential:
numerical modeling and simulation, image analysis, development of
research software (e.g. in C++, Python, Matlab), signal processing.

·Applicants are expected to be highly motivated, self-reliant, and able
to collaborate and work with scientists from different disciplines.

·Good command of written and spoken English is essential.

·Adequate knowledge of German would be desirable, but is not essential.

We expect creativity and commitment in the handling of problems. For the
successful candidate we offer good scientific support, current research
topics and involvement in national and international cooperation
projects. A combination of the project work with a PhD at the Free
University of Berlin is possible.

We particularly encourage women to submit their application. ZIB is
trying to increase the proportion of women in scientific work.

Persons with disabilities will be given preference, when equally qualified.

Please send your application, quoting the reference code *WA 13/15*,
including CV and all relevant documents until *10^th April, 2015*to

Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin

- Administration -
Takustr. 7
14195 Berlin-Dahlem

or via email to: jobs at zib.de <mailto:jobs at zib.de>

For informal inquiries about the field of work, please contact
Dr. Steffen Prohaska, E-mail: prohaska at zib.de <mailto:prohaska at zib.de>

With kind regards,
Kristina Krummer
Secretary to the Director Administration
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin
Takustr. 7
14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Tel: +49 30-84185-103
Fax:  +49 30-84185-125
krummer at zib.de <mailto:krummer at zib.de>
http://www.zib.de <http://www.zib.de/>

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