[Stellenangebote] Intel RealSense meetup, Di 21. Juli, Berlin betahaus
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
So Jul 19 16:41:47 CEST 2015
From: Asia from BeMyApp [mailto:asia at bemyapp.com]
Sent: Samstag, 18. Juli 2015 14:19
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Intel RealSense meetup Berlin | 21 July | betahaus
I'm organizing a meetup which could be interesting for your students, could
you please send them info?
It's about IntelR RealSenseT, the technology driving innovation by creating
a new way to interact with computers and tablets through video, gesture and
speech. The meetup will be 21st of July at betahaus.
To start with, Mihai Risca, Software Application Engineer at Intel
Corporation will give a technical presentation on how to develop games and
apps with the RealSenseT camera : scan objects, measure depth, distance,
dimensions, facial expressions, contours and colors of objects and create
games, and all sorts of apps.
Then there will be possibility to check out some of the apps created with
the 3D camera: an interactive game and a 3D visit combining the Google
Cardboard and the IntelR RealSenseT camera. Free tickets available here:
Thank you very much,
Asia Kluczewska
Asia Kluczewska
Event & Community Manager
+39 3384842559
www.bemyapp.com <http://www.bemyapp.com>
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