[Stellenangebote] European Innovation Academy, Nizza, 6.-24. Juli

Lutz Prechelt prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mi Jan 28 17:09:46 CET 2015



From: Johanna Tukk [mailto:johanna at inacademy.eu] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015 13:32
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: European Innovation Academy, French Riviera


Dear Mr. Prechelt,


We are inviting your students to take part of the World largest summer
school on innovation and entrepreneurship.
5415229955506176&pi=e4816f5a9eef434d99e176820d09a4ad> European Innovation
Academy (EIA)
5229955506176&pi=e4816f5a9eef434d99e176820d09a4ad> www.inacademy.eu  is
taking place in Nice from 6 - 24th July, 2015. 


At EIA the focus is strongly on web and mobile applications. We are looking
for students with practical knowledge of UI/UX principles who will be
working in teams with business and engineering students.


Multidisciplinary teams launch new software developments to the market in a
record time of 15 days. 500 students from 65 different nationalities are
daily mentored and educated by 100 industry leaders and professors.


Value for Design students:


*        acquire skills how to combine design with engineering and

*        learn the innovation process to launch a tech startup

*        students will be exposed to collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams
that will improve their team-aptitude skills


The content of the summer school is developed in cooperation with professors
from top universities including UC Berkeley and Stanford University -
watch their feedback of EIA. 




Find an article about last year's edition in the
5506176&pi=e4816f5a9eef434d99e176820d09a4ad>  Huffington Post




Best wishes,



Ms. Johanna Tukk

Global CMO

European Innovation Academy




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