[Stellenangebote] Teil-/Vollzeit: diverse Bereiche: Big Data Hadoop Developer, IT Administrator, Meetrics GmbH, Berlin
Marcus Edel
marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Do Jan 22 17:52:20 CET 2015
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
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Vielen Dank und viele Grüße,
Katharina Wodischeck
*1. Linux Server Administrator / Office IT Administrator *
We are looking to fill a position of Server Administrator and Office IT
Administrator to join our growing team. You will be responsible for
maintaining a large amount of servers running debian linux as well as key
services like Kafka and Hadoop Hdfs / YARN that are used by us to collect
and process huge amounts of data.
We offer a wide variety of tasks that will help you acquire and build
specialised skills. Our cutting-edge technology and our fast moving
development will offer you interesting insights into the ad technology
Your responsibilities will be:
- Providing technical support for Level I issues via ticket system.
- Monitoring servers for stability (especially using existing Zabbix
monitoring system) and taking both proactive and reactive measures to
correct and prevent issues.
- Providing team members with technical support and guidance.
- Installing, configuring, and maintaining services such as Apache,
MySQL, Nginx, Jetty, Kafka, Hadoop Hdfs and YARN or proprietary
applications across multiple servers.
- Providing support for office system and network issues (setup Windows
and Linux workstations, fix issues with workstations, handle issues with
office network).
Your Skill Set should cover:
- Advanced knowledge of the Linux operating system (especially Debian
distribution or similar).
- Advanced knowledge of Apache, Nginx and Jetty.
- Knowledge of Bash and Perl shell scripting.
- Knowledge of Client-Server TCP/IP interfacing.
- Knowledge of security procedures.
- Ability to work well with a team in a fast paced, constantly changed
- Ability to follow instructions from supervisors and senior colleagues.
- General Understanding of Python, Java, MySQL and HTML.
- Dependable to be at work during assigned shifts and to complete work
as expected.
*2. Big Data Hadoop Developer *
Meetrics is looking to fill a position of Big Data Hadoop Developer to join
our growing team and help us scale our big data processing applications.
We provide a massively growing platform that offers our customers an
unequalled set of analytics services in near-real time. Your work will
encompass a wide variety of tasks that will help you acquire and build
specialised skills. Our fast-paced and dynamic development will offer you
great opportunities to accustom yourself with cutting-edge technology and
develop unique skills.
Your responsibilities will be:
- Solve big data problems in processing large volumes of data, as well
as use of this data for data science, analytics, and marketing insights
- Design, implement and deploy custom applications on Hadoop
- Troubleshoot production issues with Hadoop, Kafka, ElasticSearch and
our stack of Java services
- Performance tuning of a Hadoop/NoSQL environment
- Design, implement and deploy ETL to load data into Hadoop/NoSQL
Basic Qualifications:
- Strong knowledge of Building Java applications
- Advanced knowledge of building and coding applications using Hadoop
components - HDFS, YARN, Hbase, Hive, Flume etc
- Knowledge of coding Java MapReduce, Python, Pig programming, Hadoop
Streaming, HiveQL
- Good understanding of traditional ETL tools & RDBMS
- Extensive experience Developing REST web services
- Experience of Full life cycle Development
- Experience leading teams
- Experience working in UNIX / Linux based environments
- Knowledge of Apache Spark or Twitter Storm is a plus
- Hands-on software development experience for big data cloud services
*3. Werkstudent Online Campaign Management*
Deine Aufgaben:
- Selbstständiges Aufsetzen von Messungen von Online Kampagnen und
Studien für digitale Media-Unternehmen
- Unterstützung bei Projektmanagement & Kundenkommunikation
- Kontrolle und Analyse von eingehenden Mess- und Studiendaten
- Quartalsweise Erstellung von Benchmarks
- Qualitätskontrolle und Prozessverbesserung
- Auswertung und Verfassen von Ergebnispräsentationen
Dein Profil:
- Studium im Bereich BWL, Marketing, Informatik, Medien-, Sozial- oder
- Affinität zu Zahlen und Erfahrung in der Auswertung von Datensätzen
- Sehr gute MS Office Kenntnisse (Excel, PowerPoint)
- Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Englisch und Deutsch
- Strukturierte und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
- Hohe Eigenmotivation und Spaß an Teamarbeit
- Erste Erfahrung im Bereich Digital Media und Projektmanagement sind
von Vorteil
Was wir bieten:
- Arbeit in einem jungen, dynamischen Team im Herzen von Berlin
- Anspruchsvolle und abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben im Umfeld neue Medien
und Online Marketing
- Zusammenarbeit mit großen und etablierten Unternehmen der Online
Marketing Branche
- Sehr gute Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der eigenen Expertise in einem
wachstumsstarken Marktumfeld
*Katharina Wodischeck*
Assistenz des Director Boards
*Fon:* +49 30 - 555 7578 55
*Fax:* +49 30 - 555 7578 59
*Email:* katharina.wodischeck at meetrics.com
*Web:* www.meetrics.com
Meetrics GmbH l Alexanderstraße 7 l 10178 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Max von Hilgers, Philipp von Hilgers
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin, Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 115195
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