[Stellenangebote] PhD position at the Max Planck Inst. for Colloids & Interfaces, Structure/function of tiled arrays, Germany

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sa Nov 29 21:02:52 CET 2014

We are looking to hire a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) in
Potsdam, Germany for a project modeling shark and ray skeletal mechanics;
this work is part of a larger Human Frontier Science Program collaboration
between the MPI and the Wyss Institute at Harvard and would involve
collaboration and travel between the two institutes.  Funding for the
position would last for three years.  Candidates at the post-doctoral
level may also be considered.

If you know of any suitable candidates, please pass the attached
advertisement on to them, and feel free to contact me for more information
and relevant literature.

Best wishes,
Mason Dean & Ronald Seidel

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Ronald Seidel
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Department of Biomaterials
14424 Potsdam - Germany
phone: +49 (0)331 567-9237
email: ronald.seidel at mpikg.mpg.de<mailto:ronald.seidel at mpikg.mpg.de>
web: www.mpikg.mpg.de<http://www.mpikg.mpg.de/>

Mason Dean
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Department of Biomaterials
14424 Potsdam, Germany
tel: +49.331.567.9452
fax: +49.331.567.9402
e-mail: mason.dean at mpikg.mpg.de<mailto:mason.dean at mpikg.mpg.de>
web: http://www.mpikg.mpg.de/24906/Dean; 

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