[Stellenangebote] Teilzeit-Job: Stud. Hilfskraft Entwicklung/Programmierung, Pixformance Sports GmbH, Berlin

marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Do Apr 17 10:38:47 CEST 2014

------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: Student Programmer / C++ at Pixformance Sports GmbH
Von:     "Miron Kropp" <mk at pixformance.com>
Datum:   Mi, April 16, 2014 17:24
An:      "stellenangebote at lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de"
<stellenangebote at lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de>

Hi Everyone!

We are looking for a c++ programmer who can support our team.

Who We Are

We are an exciting start-up based in Berlin. We build
specialized visualization and analysis software for the new and
thrilling field of Kinect-based motion data applied to fitness training.
We have a small, but world-class team of experienced operators and
software engineers lead by an FU alumni.
See for yourself what we are doing:

What You Will Do

 You will help us in the implementation of the
recognition of new exercises. Your tasks will include:
- Interacting with the data provided by kinect
- Implementing scoring schemes for measuring the successful
performance of exercises
- Testing of the developed exercises

About You

You should have knowledge of C++ and object-oriented programming
paradigms and disposition to tackle new problems. You care about the
product you're working on and you take great pride in producing elegant
code that usually works the first time around.

As our team is literally from all over Europe and the US, you should be
able to express your ideas and explain and defend your code fluently in
English. You certainly do not need to know any German (although, if you
do, that of course would not be frowned upon).

What We Offer

First things first: We offer a very competitive salary.

Flexibility: We offer very flexible work hours.

Great Environment: We have a great team with a great sense of humour
(although, who wouldn't say that about themselves, actually?) and our
office is located in central Berlin - one of the most bustling and
exciting cities in Europe.

So if you are interested and you think you have got just what we need,
definitely drop us a line at
jobs at pixformance.com<mailto:jobs at pixformance.com>

Best Regards

Miron Kropp

Pixformance Sports GmbH
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
D-10587 Berlin

Tel.:     +49 30 28 83 157
Fax:      +49 30 30 83 054
E-Mail: mk at pixformance.com<mailto:ar at pixformance.com>


Firmensitz / Principal Office: Berlin
Amtsgericht / District Court: Berlin Charlottenburg
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director: Valerie Bönström
Handelsregisternr. / Commercial Register: HRB 147468 B

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