[Stellenangebote] Quantencomputer bauen: Stelle für Algorithmiker bei D-Wave Systems

Lutz Prechelt prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Fr Feb 22 11:52:44 CET 2013



From: Elizabeth Barnard [mailto:ebarnard at dwavesys.com] 
Sent: Freitag, 22. Februar 2013 03:06
To: dekanat at mi.fu-berlin.de
Subject: A job opportunity for one of your graduate students


Hello Dr. Klein


I am writing to you on behalf of D-Wave Systems Inc. We have a job opening
that I think would be of interest to some of your graduate students and
wanted to see if there was a way you would be able to forward it to them. I
have attached the posting and would be happy to speak to anyone who is


D-Wave is working to radically change what it is possible with computers.
Our mission is to integrate new discoveries in physics and computer science
into new breakthrough approaches to computation.  We are committed to
commercializing quantum computers.  The company's flagship product, the
D-Wave One, is built around a novel type of superconducting quantum
processor.  D-Wave One systems are currently in use by on-line customers and
by customers in the field.  


Thank you very much for your time.


Elizabeth Barnard, CHRP

Director, Human Resources

D-Wave Systems Inc.

 <http://www.dwavesys.com/> http://www.dwavesys.com

Office:604-630-1428 x108

Cell: 604-551-4770



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