[Stellenangebote] PhD position: machine learning for educational research in Frankfurt am Main
rongmiao at zedat.fu-berlin.de
rongmiao at zedat.fu-berlin.de
So Okt 7 20:58:59 CEST 2012
------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: PhD position: machine learning for educational research
Von: "Ulf Brefeld" <ulf.brefeld at gmail.com>
Datum: Fr, Oktober 5, 2012 15:52
An: stellenangebote at lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de
The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) [1] is
a national center for educational research and educational information
located in Frankfurt (Main) and Berlin. As a member of the Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz Association of Sciences, it is jointly financed by the
federal government (Bund) and the federal states (Länder). The newly
established research group for “Knowledge Mining & Assessment“ at the
Information Center for Education, DIPF, is looking for a
Junior researcher
(Full time, initially limited to two years, EG13 TV-H)
In the field of
Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval
The holder will be working in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
At the DIPF, the research group for “Knowledge Mining & Assessment“ is
chaired by Professor Ulf Brefeld; it is concerned with machine
learning/data mining for educational research, e.g. personalized
computer-based questionnaires or dynamic selection and generation of test
items. We will collaborate closely with the Technology-Based Assessment
group [2] and other information processing groups at the DIPF and with the
Computer Science Department at TU Darmstadt. The group will be part of the
newly established knowledge processing network at the DIPF and TU
Darmstadt [3].
The successful applicant should:
have completed their scientific higher education with distinction,
preferably in computer science, mathematics, physics or a related
be highly trained in mathematics;
possess profound knowledge and practical experience in machine learning,
data mining and information retrieval. Experience with kernel methods,
structured input and output spaces, graphical models, probabilistic
inference, message-passing algorithms, natural language processing, and
large-scale training procedures would be desire
possess sound programming skills (e.g. MATLAB, Python, Java);
show an interest in educational research;
demonstrate very good English language skills (written and spoken).
Furthermore, we expect the applicant to work autonomously, to show
commitment and an ability to work in a team, and demonstrate communication
and co-operation skills.
Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the
pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be
preferably treated in the appointment procedure. The applicant will
initially have a two-year contract, renewal being possible depending on
requirements. Furthermore, the holder will be given an opportunity to
prepare a doctoral thesis.
Please submit your application, including standard documents, in
electronic form quoting reference no. IZB 2012-08 to brefeld at dipf.de (The
deadline is October 27, 2012). For further information please e-mail Ulf
Brefeld: brefeld at dipf.de or write to German Institute for International
Educational Research, Professor Dr. Ulf Brefeld, P.O. Box 900270, 60442
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
[1] http://www.dipf.de/
[2] http://tba.dipf.de/
[3] http://www.werc.tu-darmstadt.de/
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