[Stellenangebote] Veranstaltung "India as a mature IT organization", Berlin
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mi Mai 16 18:09:48 CEST 2012
Die indische Botschaft veranstaltet am
Di, 29.5., ganztägig:
"India as a Mature IT Nation: Scripting a New Success Story"
Programm siehe Anhang.
Davon ist sicherlich einiges ziemlich interessant.
Die Botschaft schreibt:
"I would deeply appreciate your recommendation to your
IT students to take full advantage of this unique occasion
where we would have the Ambassador of India in Germany,
H.E. Ms. Sujatha Singh inaugurate the event that is likely to
have participation of State Secretary, BMWi."
Anmeldung unter
Lutz Prechelt
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Dateiname : Days_of_Indiaopening event.pdf
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Dateigröße : 222470 bytes
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URL : <https://lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de/mailman/private/stellenangebote/attachments/20120516/c6194ed8/attachment.pdf>
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