[Stellenangebote] Ph.D. Positions in "ICT for Sustainable Energy Management" at TU München

rongmiao at zedat.fu-berlin.de rongmiao at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mo Mai 7 07:31:48 CEST 2012

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	TU München: Ph.D. Positions in "ICT for Sustainable Energy 
Datum: 	Fri, 4 May 2012 11:27:54 +0200
Von: 	<sekretariati13 at in.tum.de>
Antwort an: 	<sekretariati13 at in.tum.de>
An: 	<stellenangebote at lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de>

Ph.D. Positions in ?ICT for Sustainable Energy Management?

Key words: distributed information systems, smart grids, renewable energy,
energy efficiency, energy storage,
power systems, green computing and data centers

The Technische Universität München (TUM) and the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation are sponsoring the creation
of a new research center with focus on application-oriented, distributed
information systems. The research center is
located at the Department of Computer Science at TUM.

One of the center?s main research areas will be Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) for sustainable energy
management, in particular smart grids supporting the integration of
renewable energy and cutting-edge applications for
energy efficiency. We are developing and evaluating distributed systems for
monitoring and controlling energy supply and
demand in several cyber-physical environments including data centers,
buildings and electric cars. The center?s research in
this area will be partly based on models and simulation; partly it will
include the development and evaluation of system

Requirements for candidates:
?	High academic qualification, in particular at least a Master?s
degree in computer science, information systems,
	business informatics, electrical engineering, industrial
engineering, or related fields
?	Interest in energy management, smart grids, renewable energy, green
computing, etc.
?	Prior exposure to and experience in research on middleware systems,
data management, distributed systems,
	event processing or modeling and simulation of complex systems
?	Background in energy management and power systems is considered a
?	Interest in design and development of software systems, excellent
programming skills in standard programming
?	Interest in contributing to undergraduate and graduate-level
teaching and supervision of Bachelors? and Masters?
	theses in the above listed fields
?	Exceptional proficiency in English (knowledge of the German language
is not required)
?	Committed, self-motivated, self-driven, and proactive team player
with good communication and interpersonal skills

?	Remuneration and conditions of employment following the German TV-L
(full-time) pay scale
?	Time-limited Ph.D. positions and research assistantships
?	Young and dynamic team at one of the leading universities in Germany

?	Participation in research projects with international partners and
industry worldwide

Candidates will work at the Technische Universität München (TUM), Department
of Computer Science. Positions are time-limited
with extensions depending on satisfactory research progress based on
periodic performance reviews. TUM is an equal opportunity

Application Details&  Contact:

The next round of selection interviews is planned for early June. To
participate in this round, applicants should submit a full
curriculum vitae, list of publications, transcripts of B.Sc. and Master?s
studies, and a short statement of research to
sekretariati13 at in.tum.de by no later than May 31st, 2012. Applications
received after this date may be considered for future
selection interviews until positions are filled.

Two reference letters should be emailed directly from the referees to the
above email address.

Questions: christoph.goebel at tum.de

Applications: sekretariati13 at in.tum.de

Sekretariat Prof. Dr. H.-A. Jacobsen, Alexander von Humboldt-Professor

Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Lehrstuhl I 13
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München

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