[Stellenangebote] Software Engineer (Vollzeit) bei ThousandEyes, San Francisco

Lutz Prechelt prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
So Apr 17 20:28:11 CEST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: Ricardo Oliveira [mailto:ricardo at thousandeyes.com] 
Sent: Sonntag, 17. April 2011 00:51
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: ThousandEyes

Dear Prof. Lutz,

ThousandEyes is a startup in the web performance/content delivery space and
we're looking for top notch software engineers to work with us here in San
Francisco. Would appreciate if you could circulate the job post bellow
through the mailing list of your group or the computer science department



Ricardo V. Oliveira
Co-founder and CTO, ThousandEyes
+1 650 331 0091
ricardo at thousandeyes.com


Software Engineer @ ThousandEyes

ThousandEyes (www.thousandeyes.com) delivers solutions to optimize the
availability, performance and security of web applications and services. Our
proprietary technology provides businesses with actionable insights into
their web services from a global perspective, protecting online revenue
streams and brand reputation in different geographic markets. Our customers
include companies such as Equinix, Verisign and Meebo.

We are looking for full time software engineers for our San Francisco
office. The following positions are open:

C++ Software Engineer:
* c++, stl, boost
* tcpdump, libpcap, flex, bison
* mysql (mysql++)
* Network protocols: tcp/ip, http, dns

Java Software Engineer:
* JSEE, tomcat, hibernate, spring, struts, jsp, servlets
* mysql
* Network protocols: tcp/ip, http, dns
* eclipse

Frontend Software Engineer:
* javascript, jquery, ajax, json
* html, css
* very good design sense
* work flow design, user interface design, user interaction
* knowledge of Java/Spring mvc a big plus
* knowledge of mysql also a big plus

We are a team of technologists, phds, hackers and geeks working in a highly
collaborative environment that fosters innovation. We work hard cause we
love what we do. Each member of our team is extremely hands on and like to
hack network protocols and explore new technologies. We are always looking
for extremely motivated and technically skilled people. Radical thinkers
will especially find ThousandEyes a great place to work, specially if they
appreciate good coffee ;)

If you are interested in joining our team, please send your CV to
jobs at thousandeyes.com.


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