[Stellenangebote] GSC Most Promising Security Idea 2009
Milde, Gesine
Gesine.Milde at fu-berlin.de
Di Jul 28 08:13:51 CEST 2009
[cid:image001.jpg at 01CA0EB6.008603E0]<http://www.globalsecuritychallenge.com/>
Enter the GSC Most Promising Security Idea 2009 <http://www.globalsecuritychallenge.com/gsc_competitions.php>
Win $10,000, plus exclusive mentorship
Closing date: 1 September 2009
Have an idea to solve a security problem?
There are many potentially disruptive innovations that have yet to reach commercialization. The Global Security Challenge (GSC) Most Promising Security Idea award aims to encourage, support and promote researchers, innovators and infant companies who have an idea for a security solution.
Security entrepreneurs win $10,000
The winner of the Most Promising Security Idea award will receive:
* $10,000 cash award, sponsored by Accenture.
* mentorship from Mark Shaheen, managing director of Civitis Group.
* an invitation to showcase the winning innovation at the GSC Security Summit in London.
* unparalleled networking opportunity with investors, government official and industry leaders.
* invaluable exposure and publicity.
The awarding ceremony will take place at the GSC Security Summit, at London Business School on 13 November 2009.
Apply today!<http://www.globalsecuritychallenge.com/gsc_competitions.php>
Eligible entrants must have a security idea (no product necessary) that did not generate revenue in 2008.
Enter the Most Promising Security Idea competition category on the GSC website: www.GlobalSecurityChallenge.com<http://www.GlobalSecurityChallenge.com>
Entry is free.
Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2009.
Our partners:
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We would like to keep you informed of new competitions, awards and conferences. If you would prefer not to receive invitations of this kind in the future, please send an email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject field to: unsubscribe at globalsecuritychallenge.com<mailto:unsubscribe at globalsecuritychallenge.com>
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