[Stellenangebote] Part-time Research assistant (Stud. Hilfskräfte) Student Fellowship in Cognitive Science/Reasoning on the Semantic Web at Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Posel, Johannes
j.posel at fu-berlin.de
Fr Dez 18 15:08:02 CET 2009
Von: Benedikt Meuthrath [benedikt.meuthrath at fu-berlin.de]
The Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition (ABC) at the Max Planck
Institute for Human Development in Berlin, under the direction of Gerd
Gigerenzer, is seeking applicants (studentische Hilfskräfte) from
students enrolled in other universities. You can visit ABC for 6 months,
with the possibility to extend your stay for up to 2 years. There are at
least two positions available.
You will work under the supervision of Lael Schooler and Jose Quesada,
both affiliated with ABC. The position will be connected with a project
supported by the EU Seventh Framework Programme, entitled The Large
Knowledge Collider (LarKC): a platform for large scale integrated
reasoning and Web-search.
We work with large datasets. You will have an office and access to both
a desktop machine and a cluster. We are interested in higher-level,
matrix-oriented languages (python with scipy, also R, www.r-project.org)
as prototyping environment, and also java for the final implementation.
The official programming language of the project is java. Feel free to
apply if you are fluent in any other programming languages. If you are
strong in machine learning you are highly encouraged to apply, even if
you don’t know much about semantic web.
To learn more, visit:
The working language of the center is English. To fill this position you
must be enrolled on a German university.
What you can expect
Work with smart people, flexible hours, developing an open source
project. Your work may produce publications and conference papers and it
could impact how people worldwide use the web. This is a part-time work,
so there is a maximum of 20 hrs per week (you can cluster them, and then
use the remaining free time to study). Pay is ~11 Euro per hour. You can
expect a recommendation letter at the end (plus contacts with top people
working on semantic web).
Please submit an application consisting of : 1) cover letter describing
research interests; 2) links to code you are particularly proud of. The
application should sent by Januar 3th 2010, when the review of
applications will begin. However, applications will be accepted until
the position is filled. The preferred method of submission is a single
PDF file e-mailed to quesada (at) mpib-berlin.mpg.de. Questions can be
sent to quesada (at) mpib-berlin.mpg.de.
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