[Stellenangebote] Stellenangebote im Matheon
Marcus Weber
weber at zib.de
Fr Aug 31 17:51:41 CEST 2007
Freie Universität Berlin and Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin
DFG Research Center Matheon
(Nicht durch den englischen Text abschrecken lassen!!! Korrespondenz
geht natürlich auch in deutscher Sprache.)
Applications are invited for two full-time positions for Research
Fellows (BAT IIa according to the German public pay scale) within the
project A4 "Towards a Mathematics of Biomolecular Flexibility" at the FU
Berlin respectively project A13 "Meshless Methods for the Chemical
Master Equation" at the Zuse Institute Berlin. These are temporary
positions for one year (extension possible). The successful A4 applicant
is expected to work mathematically in computational statistical
thermodynamics with special emphasis on high dimensional continuous
processes and Monte Carlo methods therein. The successful A13 applicant
will work mathematically in computational polymer chemistry or systems
biology, respectively, with special emphasis on discrete Galerkin
methods. Meshfree basis functions will play an important role in both
projects. The development and integration of simulation and
discretization algorithms into a virtual lab will be necessary to be
able to tackle real-world processes. A degree in mathematics equivalent
to the German university diploma (e.g. M.Sc.) is required. High degree
of academic competence (above-average or PhD) will be expected.
Applicants must exhibit a thorough knowledge in numerical analysis.
Familiarity with interdisciplinary modelling as well as theory and
numerics of partial differential equations (A13) or force field methods
(A4) is desirable. Programming skills in C++ are required.
Please send your written application together with a curriculum vitae
and copies of the relevant certificates quoting the reference number
FZT-A4/A13-07 until September 14, 2007 to the following address:
Freie Universität Berlin
DFG Forschungszentrum MATHEON
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin
For further information contact: Dr. Marcus Weber, phone:
+49-30-84185-189, e-mail: weber at zib.de, www.zib.de/weber/ or Prof. Dr.
Dr. h.c. Peter Deuflhard, phone: +49-30-84185-101, e-mail:
deuflhard at zib.de, www.zib.de/deuflhard/.
The Freie Universität Berlin is a state-funded university and an
equal-opportunities employer and especially encourages female
researchers to apply. It has some 40,000 students and 450 professors.
The University has 12 departments structured into more than 100
institutes. Detailed information is available from the web site
www.math.fu-berlin.de and www.matheon.de.
Dr. Marcus Weber http://www.zib.de/weber
Head of research group Fon: +49-30-84185-189
Computational Drug Design Fax: +49-30-84185-107
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Takustr. 7
D-14195 Berlin
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