[PragmaticWeb] Semantic Web application inception

Sebastian Samaruga cognescent at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 02:20:07 CEST 2015


Does anybody has the time to help me and take a look at a very immature and
in its inception phase application I'm currently developing?

I attempt to use as much as Semantic Web as I can and as far as my
knowledge allows me to do it. And I'm really needing review from someone
with more experience than mines.

The last blog post: http://cognescent.blogspot.com outlines much as have
been done so far. Then there is the project properly, hosted at


The downloads page has a link to an executable Java WAR file and there is a
document, very outdated of the initial architecture. The last source for
information is the source repository.

I have lot of question as, for example, am I doing this right? Should I use
RDFs? OWL? etc.

The demo app shows what are my first attempts. Thanks if anybody helps me
to clarify some points.

Thanks in advance,
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