[PragmaticWeb] Semantic Web BI Application

Sebastian Samaruga cognescent at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 03:10:49 CET 2015


I would like to share a simple application for gathering data from diverse
datasources and merge them semantically due to identity criteria. This
could be useful in Business Intelligence (BI) cases where big amounts of
knowledge needs to be available and grouped for access.

The application actually consumes data from configured datasources and
resolves type/instance identity equivalences. The current demo datasources
contains references to the same subject in multiple statements and merges
them into one and recognizes different vocabularies refering the same thing.

Running the demo requires checking out the appication JARs (its a Java
application) and running them from the command line (needs JDK installed).

The application is hosted at http://cognescent.googlecode.com . Checkout:
CognescentCBI.jar & CognescentCBIBrowser.jar in the repo root following the
instructions for source SVN checkout there and run them in your local

The first application shows the internal data structures for debugging and
the other shows domain types/objects and their (inferred) properties.
java -jar CognescentCBI.jar

The other one shows a (adaptive) domain model:
java -jar CognescentCBIBrowser.jar

If you checkout the sources and try to build yourself please look
src/datasources.xml to see with which datasources you can play (under

The application status is very immature yet but some parts ar taking up
shape for the supporting framework of a BI application. Suggestions on
which functionalities should be implemented are  very appreciated

The application has an RDF/OWL server with an embedded Apache Fuseki
endpoint allowing SPARQL queries. It also will offer an Apache Olingo OData
v4 endpoint and will use OData URIs for semantic retrieveable resources,
that's why I'm copying also to Olingo lists.

Best regards,
Sebastian Samaruga.
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