[jacorb-developer] JacORB in in Java 11 times

Jürgen Weber juergen at jwi.de
Thu Mar 19 18:27:31 CET 2020

I had to port the Spring Boot applications of ours that use JacORB
3.9, to Java 11.

Adding jboss-rmi-api_1.0_spec as suggested in


works only for trivial examples.

As soon an IDL operation (like in a factory) returns a CORBA object,
you need org.omg.CORBA.ObjectHelper which seems to be neither in
JacORB 3.9 nor in jboss-rmi-api_1.0_spec.

Well, I got the applications working by adding the full

org.glassfish.corba:glassfish-corba-omgapi:4.2.1 and

to the Classpath *after* the JacORB jars.

Effectively, this adds the whole Glassfish Orb. So, one needs a
complete Glasshfish Orb to make the JacORB work on Java 11.

Guess it's time for a JacORB 4.0 that brings a complete Corba
implementation for Java 11 and successors...


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