[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** This Saturday: Silent movie night
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
Do Sep 7 21:01:56 CEST 2023
Dear friends of the silver screen and the International Club of FU Berlin.
We will go to a silent movie with live music on Saturday 9th September in one of Berlin’s most famous Cinemas.
Get your free ticket here:
We will meet at 19:30 at the green space in front of Babylon Cinema at Rosa Luxembourg Platz to get some drinks from the Späti and get to know each other.
The movie starts at 8:45 sharp. Please be ON TIME for this because if not they will give your ticket to someone else in the line.
Join the events group here:
Looking forward to see you there. 👍
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