[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** Kreuzberg tour on Stories of Migration

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Fr Okt 20 17:43:44 CEST 2023

Hi guys,

Next Friday, on October the 27th at 2:30 pm we will meet for a English-language tour through the district of Kreuzberg, starting next to Görlitzer Bahnhof (the tour will take about 2 hours). The tour is part of the programm of the non-profit organisation Querstadtein e.V. on "Stories of migration". Our guide will be the activist and freelance journalist  Muhammed Lamin Jadama.

Tour description:
KREUZBERG BEHIND THE SCENES: THE MAKING OF A DIVERSE NEIGHBOURHOOD<https://querstadtein.org/en/tour/kreuzberg-behind-the-scenes/>
"Muhammed’s tour leads through Kreuzberg, which he, as an activist, freelance journalist, social worker and resident, knows like the back of his hand. Along the way, you will learn to what extent the upheavals of the European asylum system are becoming visible in this district and how old and new Berliners shape their neighbourhood together."

The participation fee is 6 €! To register, please fill out this registration form (https://forms.gle/gjqg6nQ2GHePbe3b7)  and send 6 € to kiramertmann at t-online.de via Paypal (please use the option for Paypal and friends, thank you)

After the tour those who would like to can join to go to a café! :)

See you next Friday!
Your International Club team

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