[Int. Club der FU] *Next Event** Gemäldegalerie open day - Tonight -

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Sa Nov 18 12:00:58 CET 2023

Dear friends of Old Master Paintings and the International Club of FU Berlin,

we will go to Gemäldegalerie today Saturday 18th November in one of Berlin’s most prestigious temples of art.

Let's meet at 16:45 inside the main entrance of Gemäldegalerie near Potsdamer Platz.

This event is free. No registration required.

Find the program here. Live DJ from 21:00.

Join the events group here:

Looking forward to see you there. 👍

 Sign Up to our email list:  https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/Club

Web: https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/internationaler_club/index.html
Email:  club at international.fu-berlin.de<mailto:club at international.fu-berlin.de>
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intclub_fuberlin

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