[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** Board Game/Werewolf Night

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Do Mai 4 16:58:52 CEST 2023

Hallo everyone,

the next International Club Event is taking place next Thursday the 11th of May from 7 pm. We are having a board game/werewolf night and would like to invite all of you. 😊 There will be different board and card games to play, as well as snacks and drinks/beer! 🍻

Its taking place at the International House, at Ehrenbergstr. 26/28!

There is no entrance fee, but we have limited space. Please let us know, if you are planning on joining, so we can plan better! thank you <3 Just put your name and e-Mail in our form. https://forms.gle/Nk39AxpYXDM2oJWD9 We will let you know if you got a spot!

Also: If you have any card or board games - feel free to bring them!! The bigger the selection, the better. 🎲
See you there!!

Best wishes

Your International Club team

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