[Int. Club der FU] Next Event: Kanzleramt Visit (Chancellor's Office)
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
Mo Mär 6 23:15:23 CET 2023
Dear all,
We hope you all grinded safely through your study periods and rocked the exams! New questions to be asked for now. Did you ever wonder how Germany is run on a daily basis and how the corridors of power look like in the capital?
If so, please come along on a guided tour inside Berlin’s most famous “washing machine”: the Bundeskanzleramt where the chancellor has his office and staff location. We will meet at 18:30 pm on 23.03.2023 in front of the Kanzleramt. (Participation is free)
Important!!! As the Kanzleramt is a highly secured place, it is essential that you share some personal information for the Kanzleramt to check. Please indicate all information correctly and as indicated on your ID/passport! Otherwise access to the building will be denied. Also we kindly ask you to only sign up by March 8th if you are sure that you can make the appointment as we have only limited spots. Further information about who will get a spot will be provided shortly.
Please sign up here for the Kanzleramt tour: https://forms.gle/WrcyLYBB1qX4kbcq6
Best wishes,
The International Club board 😊
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