[Int. Club der FU] *Next Event** Carte Blanche Concert in Kammermusiksaal - Tuesday-
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
So Dez 3 12:02:06 CET 2023
Dear friends of Classical Music,
we will go to a concert of Karajan-Akademie of Berliner Philharmoniker. This is the talent factory of the Orchestra.
In the free carte blanche concerts, the scholarship holders of the Karajan Academy present themselves every month as soloists or in ensembles and gain further performance experience in addition to their orchestral activities. They put together the programme themselves – a carte blanche in the truest sense of the word.
Let's meet Tuesday, 5 December at 16:30 inside the main entrance of Kammermusiksaal of Philharmonie Berlin near Potsdamer Platz.
This event is free. No registration required.
Find the concert here:
Looking forward to see you there. 👍
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