[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** This Friday: Student Party at Haubentaucher

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Di Aug 8 12:43:47 CEST 2023

Hello guys,

This Friday (August 11th) at the Haubentaucher (Revaler Str. 99, at RAW-Gelände) there is a Semester Break student Party!🕺🏼 we would like to go there together as a International Club group! It’s open for anyone - no worries if you have never been to a International Clun event:)

We are planning to meet up and pre drink before, around 8.30 pm! Depending on the weather either outside (next to the Spree at Oberbaumbrücke) or at the Casseopaia bar at the RAW Gelände.

!! We created this Whatsapp group to share all further info and the location, feel free to join via this link:

We’ll let you know more about the guest list and what’s the plan within the week! See you on Friday ☀️🫶🏻
Info about the event: https://www.studentenparty-berlin.de/die-offizielle-semesterferien-party-der-berliner-unis-fr-11-8-23-ab-22-uhr/

Best wishes
The International Club team

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