[Int. Club der FU] REMINDER: Colombian Culture Evening

kate shved shved.kat16 at gmail.com
Do Jan 31 12:05:14 CET 2019

Dear members and friends of the International Club,

Already today we are waiting for you at our Culture evening of Colombia!

When: 31.01.2019 at 18:00 📅
Where: 📍
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28, 14195 Berlin

In program:
- Presentation
- AISEC presentation
- Dance workshop
- Traditional food :)

FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/371762953587419/

Best wishes,

your International Club

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Kontakt: international.club at fu-berlin.de
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Homepage: http://www.internationalerclub.de/
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