[Int. Club der FU] Board Game Evening of the International Club on 6th of June
T. Zimmermann
tyczim at gmail.com
Do Jun 1 17:16:04 CEST 2017
Dear members and friends of the International Club,
We would like to invite you to *2nd* *Board Game Evening*, a great
opportunity to make new friends and have fun in a relaxed setting. A group
of students from the Kazahk National University will be joining us this
We will meet on *Tuesday, the 6th of June*
at *18:00 o'clock*
at the club headquarters at* Ehrenbergstr. 26/28, **14195 Berlin*
There will be snacks and beverages provided, so come as you are.
You can bring your favorite game or try a new one.
Please let us know through the following link which game(s) you would like
to play and we will do our best organise them.
We're looking forward to seeing you! :-)
Tycho and the team of volunteers at the International Club
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