[Int. Club der FU] Fwd: Working Student Job Offer for FU Berlin students: Translation DK and SE
Philip Eberhard
philip.eberhard at fu-berlin.de
Mi Jun 1 11:33:22 CEST 2016
Dear All,
You can find a Working Student Job Offer below that might be interesting for some of you.
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
> Von: Felix Süllwold <felix.suellwold at hometogo.de>
> Betreff: Working Student Job Offer for FU Berlin students: Translation DK and SE
> Datum: 31. Mai 2016 16:54:35 MESZ
> An: philip.eberhard at fu-berlin.de
> Kopie: Team HR <jobs at hometogo.de>, "Aida R." <aida.rusinskaite at hometogo.com>
> Hi Philip,
> thanks for helping out! Attached you find the two job descriptions for Swedish or Danish natives as discussed. Work hours are very flexible, from our experience the whole translations process takes 70 hours in total. We are looking for natives only and prior to an interview we have a short translation task that will be checked with a professional translator of ours.
> HomeToGo is a very exiting company to work for as we have a truly international team and we are working with best in class technology. So besides being a good source of extra income for a student, its also going to be an interesting task. Application is best done with a short email (including CV and a a short cover letter) to jobs at hometogo.com <mailto:jobs at hometogo.com>.
> If there are any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.
> https://www.hometogo.de/jobs/internworking-student-fm-translation-denmark-1-3-months/ <https://www.hometogo.de/jobs/internworking-student-fm-translation-denmark-1-3-months/>
> https://www.hometogo.de/jobs/internworking-student-fm-translation-swedish-1-3-months/ <https://www.hometogo.de/jobs/internworking-student-fm-translation-swedish-1-3-months/>
> Cheers,
> Felix
> --
> Felix Süllwold
> Online Marketing Manager
> HomeToGo GmbH | www.hometogo.de <http://www.hometogo.de/>
> Sonnenburger Str. 73 | 10437 Berlin | Germany
> Tel: +49 (0)30 - 208 473 96 <> | e: felix.suellwold at hometogo.de <mailto:benedikt.guethlein at hometogo.de>
> Managing Directors: Dr. Patrick Andrä, Wolfgang Heigl, Nils Regge
> Registered at Local Court Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 155381 B
> VAT No. DE293800056
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