[Int. Club der FU] Could you find me a student mentor?

Nadine Rades nadine.rades at fu-berlin.de
Di Mär 3 17:29:28 CET 2015

Dear members of the International Club,

Szilvi from Budapest is arriving in Berlin on 16th March. She is looking
for someone, who can show her the way from Hauptbahnhof to Studentendorf
Schlachtensee. If you would like to meet her and do her this favor, please
let us know.

Kindest regards,


Nadine Rades
Schatzmeisterin des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Garystr. 45
14195 Berlin

------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: Re: Could you find me a student mentor?
Von:     Szilvia Novák <szilvus.novak at gmail.com>
An:      Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
<International.Club at fu-berlin.de>

Dear Olaf,

I had to postpone my arrival, so I will arrive to Berlin on 16th March,
instead of 2nd. Just wanted to let you, guys, know before you find me a
mentor. :)

Kind regards,


>> > Hey guys,
>> > I am Szilvi from Budapest, Hungary and I am going on Erasmus to the
>> Freie
>> > Uni Berlin for the summer semester of 2014/2015. I am arriving to
>> > on
>> > 2nd March and would be really glad if one of your members could help
>> > finding my way from Hauptbahnhof to Studentendorf Schlachtensee. I
>> > be
>> > really thankful if you could also find me a student mentor! (I heard
>> that
>> > the Internationaler Club does almost the same as the ESN section at
>> > home
>> > university)
>> > Looking forward to your answer.
>> > Best wishes,
>> > Szilvi

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