[Int. Club der FU] [Fwd: Intensive German Beginner Course (A1) for International Doctoral Candidates]

Nadine Rades nadine.rades at fu-berlin.de
Do Jul 23 16:06:14 CEST 2015

------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: Intensive German Beginner Course (A1) for International Doctoral
Von:     "Bettaz, Nejwa" <nejwa.bettaz at fu-berlin.de>
Datum:   Do, Juli 23, 2015 15:58
An:      "Nadine Rades" <nadine.rades at fu-berlin.de>

Dear International Doctoral Candidates,

In cooperation with the university's Language Center, Dahlem Research
School is offering an intensive German language course for beginners
(level A1) before the winter semester starts (August 31 - October 9,
2015). If you are an international doctoral candidate at Freie Universität
Berlin and you are interested in the course, please check this
If you fulfill the criteria (no or little knowledge of German, proof that
you are a doctoral candidate at Freie Universität Berlin) and you will be
able to attend the entire course, you can write to
welcome-drs at fu-berlin.de<mailto:welcome-drs at fu-berlin.de> and we will send
you the registration form. The course is free of charge and deadline is
August 3, 2015 or when the maximum number of participants is reached.

We are looking forward to reading you.

Best regards,

Your DRS Team

Nejwa Bettaz
Referentin / Program Manager
FUBright for International Doctoral Candidates, Welcome Services
Dahlem Research School, Freie Universität Berlin
Hittorfstr. 16, 14195 Berlin
Tel.:+49 030-838-73954
nejwa.bettaz at fu-berlin.de
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