[Int. Club der FU] [Fwd: housing search]
"Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin"
International.Club at fu-berlin.de
Mi Aug 19 09:01:49 CEST 2015
------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: housing search
Von: "Aneth Aracelly Sarmiento Serrud" <anethsarmiento at hotmail.com>
Datum: Di, August 18, 2015 15:09
An: "international.club at fu-berlin.de" <international.club at fu-berlin.de>
Hello there,
Im searching a place (WG) for a friend of mine who comes from Panama to
Berlin to make an intership for 3 months (September-December).
My friend can not speak any word in german but can speak some english...
Thats why Im requesting your help. It will be very handy if you have in
your database any spanish speaker student who has (by chance) an empty
room in their place... it will be a great opportunity.
I attache the flyier Im posting in every corner I find suitable for him to
find a WG. If there is anyone who feels like helping to paste them in
their vecinity, it would be awesome.
Thanks for all in advance!
Aneth Aracelly Sarmiento S.
PhD Student in Molecular Plant Physiology
Freie Universität Berlin
Nadine Rades
Präsidentin des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26-28, Raum 202
14195 Berlin
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