[Int. Club der FU] Want to be part of Furios - FU's campus magazine?
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Di Okt 22 22:02:35 CEST 2013
Dear Erasmus students,
I am Maik, a student of the FU and also member of the campus magazine "Furios". We are planning to include an article about the relationship between Erasmus students and regular FU students in our next issue (to appear this semester). We would like to examine in what ways the infamous "Erasmus bubble" can be left and how Erasmus students experience openness/reserve from FU students.
If you would like to help us with your experience (even if it is just about your first few weeks here in Berlin), I would be very grateful if you could contact me, a small interview would not last longer than 20-30 min.
This is only a call for Erasmus students, as we will deal with overseas international exchange students in another article.
Thank you!
Maik Siegel
Ressortleiter Kultur "Furios"
kultur at furios-campus.de
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