[Int. Club der FU] Englischer Stammtisch - Thursday
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mo Jun 17 22:45:57 CEST 2013
It's this Thursday!
The English language Stammtisch is back. If you like speaking English and need some practice come along for a chat. Meet new people and share your Berlin experiences.
Bar 55 offers a wide range of crazy cocktails (1,0 liter for 10€) and a nice atmosphere. Some insider tipp
Where: Bar 55, Kollwitzstraße 55, 10405 Berlin
When: Thursday, June 20th, 8pm, 20 Uhr
Costs: Everyone pays for their own drinks
Kontakt: Katharina, katha.heep at fu-berlin.de
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