[Int. Club der FU] What kind of sports would you like Hochschulsport to offer?
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mi Jun 12 22:54:40 CEST 2013
Dear International Students at Freie Universität Berlin,
on behalf of the University Sport Service of the Freie Universität I like to invite you to join a little survey about your sport interests and needs, to help us to improve our program. Our responsibility is, to plan and organize a wide range of sport courses and sport events for students and employees enrolled at Freie Universität in Berlin and Alumni as well.
One of the upcoming objectives of the University Sports Service is to provide special opportunities for international students and to develop an open and inclusive cultural environment in order to favor the intercultural exchange among students of any nationality at the Freie Universität.
As we want to offer an extensive program of courses, sport trips, competitions and workshops to improve your skills and to get you in contact with other students, we ask you to fill out this quick and anonymous questionnaire: http://de.surveymonkey.com/s/DPDM29W
Through it we would be able to settle the best activities for you!
Thank you, we hope you will enjoy your staying in Berlin and participate to our activities!
Kind regards
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