[Int. Club der FU] Englischer Stammtisch

intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de intlclub at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mo Apr 15 22:05:33 CEST 2013

Join us for our English Regulars Table and celebrate the Farewell of some of our American Friends from the FU-Best program.

This time we will attend our favorite bar in Kreuzberg.


Where and When?

Thursday, April 18th at 9 p.m.
 Gneisenaustraße 2A  10961 Berlin (Metro Station U7/U6 - Mehringdamm)

How to get there?
•          U-Bahn: U7/U6 Mehringdamm

•          Take exit Gneisenaustraße

•          Go to the side of Gneisenaustraße where you can see a “Commerzbank”

•          Then through the big open entrance to the “Hinterhof”= something like a backyard/court (between the ice cream place and the    Sri Lankan restaurant)

•          In the “Hinterhof” turn left and you’ll find the door to the bar

Hope to see you all there !


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