[Fli4l_dev] Problem beim bauen einer minimal config 4.0.0-r43148-testing

Helmut Backhaus helmut.backhaus at gmx.de
Fr Dez 4 18:32:48 CET 2015

Hallo zusammen!

Kann mir das hier jemand erklären?

fli4l 4.0.0-r43148-testing - starting build process

using configuration from directory 'config'...

--- read and check the build-environment from 

--- check configuration in directory "config" and create archives 
var::slot_check: Value of mandatory variable 'HOST_N' has not been
Error while checking variable values.
Error while processing configuration, aborting!
An error occurred while creating fli4l-files.
var::slot_check: Value of mandatory variable 'HOST_N' has not been
Error while checking variable values.
Error while processing configuration, aborting!

Vermutemodus an!
Ich muss das Paket dns_dhcp installieren?
Vermutemodus aus!

Aber warum?
ich brauche es nicht!

Danke für Tips!

Schönes WE @all!!


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