[fli4l] Aw?==?utf-8?Q?: Re: Aw: Konfiguration - ?==?utf-8?Q?Zugriff auf verschiedene Net?==?utf-8?Q?ze

TomW webmaster at weber-computerhilfe.de
So Nov 15 18:41:40 CET 2015

Zitat: Christoph Schulz schrieb am Fr, 13 November 2015 20:41
> Kannst du uns
> a) deine c3surf-Konfiguration, sowie

OPT_C3SURF='yes'                # to activate: 'yes'

                                # logfile directory, files: see docu
C3SURF_DOLOG_LOGIN='yes'        # log logins/logouts
C3SURF_DOLOG_INVALID='yes'      # log invalid logins
C3SURF_DOLOG_PAGE='no'          # log each access to the html page
C3SURF_DOLOG_HTTPD='no'         # log all mini_httpd queries

                                # directory for persistent data
C3SURF_WORKON_TMP='yes'          # 'yes' loads persistent data to ram
                                # on boot to ensure harddisk spindown

C3SURF_QUOTA='yes'              # activate Quotas for C3SURF_TIME,
                                # C3SURF_BLOCKTIME and C3SURF_COUNTER
C3SURF_COUNTER='-1'              # number of possible Logout/Login
C3SURF_TIME='0'                # valid activation time (minutes)
C3SURF_BLOCKTIME='-1'          # time span (minutes) to block IP
                                # after surftime is exceeded

C3SURF_SAVE_QUOTA='yes'         # 'yes' saves quotas during shutdown

C3SURF_CHECK_ARP='yes'          # checke ARP table to detect if client
                                # IP is offline and log it out

                                # host or net number
                                # net (IP/MASK) or host (IP)

C3SURF_CONTROL_PORT_N='0'       # TCP port number controlled by c3surf
C3SURF_CONTROL_PORT_1='515'     # i.e. lpdsrv (use printer after login)
C3SURF_CONTROL_PORT_2='21'      # z. B. ftp - (wohl gemerkt ftp auf dem
router! gibts ja nicht ;-))

C3SURF_BLOCK_PORT_N='2'         # TCP ports to be blocked by c3surf
C3SURF_BLOCK_PORT_1='5000'      # i.e. imonc
C3SURF_BLOCK_PORT_2='5001'      # i.e. telmond

C3SURF_HTTPD_PORT='8080'        # c3surf-httpd port, choose a different
                                # one than OPT_HTTPD!
                                # IP to bind the login interface to

                                # login page localisation, switchable
                                # localisation files to be provided


> b) deine *komplette* IPv4-Firewall-Konfiguration ("iptables -vnL"
> auf dem 
> fli4l ausführen und Ergebnis speichern)

Im Moment habe ich keinen Zugriff auf den fli4l, wenn ich wieder zum
fli4l komme poste ich die Konfiguration.  

> Gruß,
> -- 
> Christoph Schulz
> [fli4l-Team]


Gruß Tom

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