[fli4l] kleines Hurra !
Frank Lucke
delucks at freenet.de
Do Dez 18 19:26:20 CET 2014
ein fröhliches Moin Moin
Die Wlan-Karte wurde akzeptiert.Das Hauptproblem war die Übertragung vom
Win-Rechner zum Router.
Meine Arbeitsfestplatte ist eine CF-Karte;deshalb hab ich die Dateien
aus dem Build-Ordner auf die CF Kopiert und neu gebootet.Keine
Fehlermeldung und ein neues Wlan"feld" ist empfangbar.
Soweit das.
> Dein fli4l-Router heißt auch wirklich "fli4l" (HOSTNAME='fli4l')? Wenn nein,
> ist das der Fehler. Wenn ja: Hast du einen DNS-Server installiert (Paket
> dns_dhcp; OPT_DNS='yes')? Auch hier würde die Komplett-Konfiguration des
> dns_dhcp-Pakets weiterhelfen.
Ja er heißt "fli4l" ,das DNS-Paket ist installiert und eingeschaltett.
Es arbeitet aber nicht;Als zusätzlichen Host hab ich eine Fritzbox
konfiguriert die auch nicht auf gelöst wird.
Ich zeige jetzt mal nur Auszüge.
# General settings:
HOSTNAME='fli4l' # name of fli4l router
PASSWORD='password' # password for root login
BOOT_TYPE='hd' # boot device: hd, cd, ls120, integrated,
# attached, netboot, pxeboot
LIBATA_DMA='disabled' # Use DMA on ATA Drives ('enabled') or no
# ('disabled'). The default 'disabled'
# allows ancient IDE CF cards to be boot
# Use 'enabled' if you boot from a Virtua
# virtual device.
MOUNT_BOOT='rw' # mount boot device: ro, rw, no
BOOTMENU_TIME='5' # waiting time of bootmenu in seconds
# before activating normal boot
# description of local time zone,
# don't touch without reading documentat
KERNEL_VERSION='3.17.4-nonfree' # kernel version
KERNEL_BOOT_OPTION='' # append option to kernel command line
COMP_TYPE_OPT='xz' # compression algorithm if compression is
# enabled for OPT archive;
# NOTE that some boot types may disallow
# some compression algorithms
IP_CONNTRACK_MAX='' # override maximum limit of connection
# tracking entries
POWERMANAGEMENT='acpi' # select pm interface: none, acpi, apm, a
# apm_rm switches to real mode before in
# apm power off
# Localisation
LOCALE='de' # defines the default language for sever
# components, such as httpd
# Console settings (serial console, blank time, beep):
CONSOLE_BLANK_TIME='' # time in minutes (1-60) to blank
# console; '0' = never, '' = system defau
BEEP='yes' # enable beep after boot and shutdown
SER_CONSOLE='no' # use serial interface instead of or as
# additional output device and main input
SER_CONSOLE_IF='0' # serial interface to use, 0 for ttyS0 (C
SER_CONSOLE_RATE='9600' # baudrate for serial console
# Debug Settings:
DEBUG_STARTUP='no' # write an execution trace of the boot
# Keyboard layout
KEYBOARD_LOCALE='auto' # auto: use most common keyboard layout f
# the language specified in 'LOCALE'
#OPT_MAKEKBL='yes' # set to 'yes' to make a new local keybo
# layout map on the fli4l-router
# Ethernet card drivers:
# please see file base_nic.list in your config-dir or read the document
# If you need a dummy device, use 'dummy' as your NET_DRV
# and IP_NET_%_DEV='dummy<number>' as your device
NET_DRV_N='2' # number of ethernet drivers to load, usu
NET_DRV_1='8139too' # 1st driver: NIC Realtek RT 8129
NET_DRV_1_OPTION='' # 1st driver: 2x vorhanden
NET_DRV_2='rt2500pci' # 2nd driver: Wlan Concepttronic C54Ri
NET_DRV_2_OPTION='' # 2nd driver:
NET_DRV_3='ne' # 3nd driver: name (e.g. NE2000 ISAclone)
NET_DRV_3_OPTION='' # 3nd driver: additional optio
# Ether networks used with IP protocol:
IP_NET_N='3' # number of IP ethernet networks, usuall
IP_NET_1='' # IP address of your n'th ethernet card
# and
IP_NET_1_DEV='eth0' # netmask in CIDR (no. of set bits)
# required: device name like ethX
IP_NET_2='' # 2. Netz DSL-Modem - Router
IP_NET_2_DEV='eth1' # oder 2. wired Netz
IP_NET_3='' # 3. Netz W-Lan!!
IP_NET_3_DEV='wlan0' #
# Additional routes, optional
# Do not add an entry for the router! It's added automatically.
# If you need an alias please add HOSTNAME_ALIAS_N in the base.txt
HOST_N='1' # number of hosts in your domain
# 1st host:
HOST_1_NAME='fritzwlan' # name
#HOST_1_DOMAIN='foo.lan' # different domain (optional)
# as declared in DOMAIN_NAME (base.txt)
HOST_1_IP4='' # IP-Adress
# IPv6-Adress / optional
HOST_1_ALIAS_N='1' # number of optional alias names
HOST_1_ALIAS_1='fritzfon' # 1st optional alias name
#HOST_1_DHCPTYP='hostname' # set static dhcp-lease via [hostname]
# or [mac]
#HOST_1_MAC='de:ad:be:ef:08:15' # MAC-Adress - needed for static DHCP or
# host based PXE
#HOST_1_PXE_FILENAME='pxelinux' # Filename of PXE Netboot-Image
# Name of Netboot-Server - see OPT_TFTP
# IP-Adress of Netboot-Server
#HOST_1_PXE_OPTIONS='' # extra options for PXE-Boot
# 2nd host:
# 3rd host:
# 4th host:
# HOST entries (Extra-Host with full FQDN):
HOST_EXTRA_N='0' # number of extra hosts
# name
HOST_EXTRA_1_IP4='' # IP-Adress (ipv4)
HOST_EXTRA_1_IP6='::ffff:' # IP-Adress (ipv6) / optional
# DNS configuration:
OPT_DNS='yes' # start dns server: yes or no
DNS_BIND_INTERFACES='no' # DON'T bind to all interfaces with 'yes
# and listen only to ip addreses listed
# set to 'no' to bind to ALL ip addresse
DNS_LISTEN_N='0' # if 0 then listen on all interfaces
DNS_LISTEN_1='IP_NET_1_IPADDR' # first IP to listen on
DNS_VERBOSE='no' # log queries into syslog
DNS_MX_SERVER='' # fqdn of the mx for your DOMAIN
DNS_FORBIDDEN_N='0' # number of forbidden domains
DNS_FORBIDDEN_1='foo.bar' # 1st forbidden domain
DNS_FORBIDDEN_2='bar.foo' # 2nd forbidden domain
DNS_REDIRECT_N='0' # number of redirected domains
DNS_REDIRECT_1='foo.bar.foo' # 1st redirected domain
# IP of redirected domain
DNS_BOGUS_PRIV='yes' # fake reverse lookups for RFC1918
# private address ranges
DNS_FILTERWIN2K='no' # filters useless windows-originated DNS
# requests and blocks all SRV requests,
# when enabled
DNS_LOCAL_HOST_CACHE_TTL='60' # TTL for entries in /etc/hosts or DHCP
#DNS_SUPPORT_IPV6='no' # enable/disable IPV6-support
# Special DNS configuration
# delegation of DNS-Request for Domains or/and reverse network lookup
# zone delegation (domain and network) to upstream servers
DNS_ZONE_DELEGATION_N='0' # number of zone delegations
# number of upstream servers
# ip address or @hostname with optiona
# number used to query upstream server
# ip adress or IP_NET_x_IPADDR with opti
# portnumber used as query source
# number of domains to delegate
# number of networks to delegate
# domains which are allowed to return private ip addresses from upstream
# DNS Servers
DNS_REBINDOK_N='0' # Number of Domains
# DHCP-Server configuration:
sconmal Danke fürs ansehen
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