[Eisfair_dev] Samba 2.31.0 badlock (Status 'testing')

Hans-Georg Kiefer HansGeorg at edv-einsteiger.de
Mo Apr 25 20:47:52 CEST 2016

Am 25.04.2016 um 20:03 schrieb Thomas Bork:
> Am 25.04.2016 um 08:28 schrieb Hans-Georg Kiefer:
>>>> Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for tanne
>>> Samba läuft als PDC?
>> Nein.
> Dann frage ich mich, wo die Meldung "Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain
> Users' for tanne" herkommt. Zeige mal bitte die komplette Konfiguration.
Ich erwähne mal zusätzlich, dass das System Ende März mit Samba 2.28.0 
frisch aufgesetzt wurde. Auf dem System gibt es nur Samba, Apache, 
MarleneDB, Certs und Owncloud. Keine manuellen Frickeleien an der 
Oberfläche vorbei.

Ich hoffe, das ist so angenehm zu lesen.
probiertier # awk '!/^#/' /etc/config.d/samba

START_SAMBA='yes'                      # Start on boot: yes or no
SAMBA_WORKGROUP='EDVE'                 # Workgroup name of windows-clients

SAMBA_MANUAL_CONFIGURATION='yes'       # Use manual configuration:
                                        # yes or no

SAMBA_INSECURE='no'                    # If 'yes', bind to all 
interfaces and
                                        # allow all nets.
                                        # SAMBA_INTERFACES, 
                                        # and interfaces from base were 
                                        # Userdefined interfaces for Samba
                                        # Be carefull, use this only, if you
                                        # don't want to use all 
interfaces from
                                        # /etc/config.d/base
                                        # You have to specify interfaces 
                                        # this: ''
SAMBA_TRUSTED_NETS=''   # If your network is
                                        # and you want to grant access also
                                        # to net, you have to
                                        # add this here like this:
                                        # ''
SAMBA_DEBUGLEVEL='3'                   # For debugging only: 0-10
                                        # You will find debug messages in
                                        # /var/log/log.smbd, 
SAMBA_MASTERBROWSER='no'               # Act as an masterbrowser: yes or no
SAMBA_WINSSERVER='no'                  # Act as an WINS-Server: yes or no
                                        # If yes, don't set SAMBA_EXTWINSIP!
SAMBA_WINSHOOK='no'                    # Trigger extra actions, if act as an
                                        # WINS-Server: yes or no
SAMBA_WINSHOOK_MESSAGE_SEND='no'       # Send messages to WINS clients:
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_WINSHOOK_MESSAGE='Welcome to eisfair server'
                                        # This message will diplayed on
                                        # registering to eisfair
SAMBA_WINSHOOK_DNSUPDATE='no'          # Updating local bind with WINS
                                        # clients: yes or no
SAMBA_EXTWINSIP=''                     # IP address of external WINS-Server
                                        # if exist, act as an WINS-Client
                                        # Don't set SAMBA_WINSSERVER to 
SAMBA_START_MESSAGE_SEND='no'          # Send start message on Samba start:
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_START_MESSAGE='eisfair Samba Server is up now ...'
                                        # This message will diplayed on 
                                        # on WIN9x-clients with winpopup and
                                        # WIN NT, WIN2K, WINXP
SAMBA_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE_SEND='no'       # Send shutdown message on Samba 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE='eisfair Samba Server is going down now ...'
                                        # This message will diplayed on 
                                        # on WIN9x-clients with winpopup and
                                        # WIN NT, WIN2K, WINXP
SAMBA_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE_HOSTS='all'     # Target hosts for
                                        # SAMBA_SHOW_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE:
                                        # all or active
SAMBA_LOCALIZATION='UTF-8'             # Language adjustment, affected 
to unix
                                        # character set and client codepage
                                        # US        : United States (CP 437)
                                        # ISO8859-1 : Western Europe (CP 
                                        # ISO8859-2 : Eastern Europe (CP 
                                        # ISO8859-5 : Russian Cyrillic 
(CP 866)
                                        # ISO8859-7 : Greek (CP 737)
                                        # ISO8859-15: Western Europe 
with EURO
                                        #      UTF-8: Western Europe 
with EURO
SAMBA_PDC='no'                         # Should Samba act as an Primary 
                                        # Controller: yes or no
                                        # Read Documentation!
SAMBA_PDC_PROFILES='yes'               # Should Samba store roaming profiles
                                        # if acting as an Primary Domain
                                        # Controller: yes or no
SAMBA_PDC_LOGONSCRIPT='user'           # PDC logon script:
                                        # 'user', 'group', 'machines' or 
SAMBA_PASSWORD_SERVER=''               # NETBIOS name(s) of external 
                                        # server(s) separated by a comma and
                                        # a blank. Example:
                                        # SAMBA_PASSWORD_SERVER='NT-PDC, 
                                        # SAMBA_PASSWORD_SERVER='*'
                                        # Be shure, you have access from 
Samba to
                                        # password server(s)!
SAMBA_RECYCLE_BIN='no'                 # Activate recycle bin in shares
SAMBA_RECYCLE_BIN_HOLD_DAYS='7'        # Hold files for n days in 
recycle bin
SAMBA_RECYCLE_BIN_CRONTAB='15 3 * * *' # Cron configuration string
                                        # Default: 03:15 every night
SAMBA_PDF_TARGET='homedir'             # Target for created pdf files:
                                        # 'homedir', 'public' or 'mail'
SAMBA_SERVERSTRING=''                  # Comment in network neighborhood:
                                        # empty for no string
                                        # or anything else for your string
SAMBA_EXPERT_EXEC='no'                 # Exec sambaexpert: yes or no
                                        # Don't ask for help, while
                                        # this is activated!
SAMBA_SMBWEBCLIENT='no'                # Install smbwebclient: yes or no
                                        # Install smbwebclient to this 
                                        # document root
SAMBA_OPLOCKS='no'                     # activate oplocking (caching): 
yes or no

SAMBA_USERMAP_N='2'                    # How many user mappings do you 
want to
                                        # create
SAMBA_USERMAP_1_ACTIVE='yes'           # Is this mapping active: yes or no
SAMBA_USERMAP_1_EISNAME='root'         # This is the eisfair user name 
of the
                                        # 1. mapping
SAMBA_USERMAP_1_WINNAME_N='1'          # How many windows names should 
be mapped
                                        # to the 1. eisfair user name
                                        # This is the 1. windows name which
                                        # should be mapped to the 1. 
eisfair user

SAMBA_USERMAP_2_ACTIVE='yes'           # Is this mapping active: yes or no
SAMBA_USERMAP_2_EISNAME='tanne'        # This is the eisfair user name 
of the
                                        # 2. mapping
SAMBA_USERMAP_2_WINNAME_N='2'          # How many windows names should 
be mapped
                                        # to the 2. eisfair user name
SAMBA_USERMAP_2_WINNAME_1='Hans-Georg Kiefer'
                                        # This is the 1. windows name which
                                        # should be mapped to the 2. 
eisfair user
SAMBA_USERMAP_2_WINNAME_2='Tanne'      # This is the 2. windows name which
                                        # should be mapped to the 2. 
eisfair user

SAMBA_SHARE_N='4'                      # How many shares you want to create
SAMBA_SHARE_1_ACTIVE='yes'             # Is this share active: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_1_NAME='homes'             # This is the name of the 1. share
SAMBA_SHARE_1_COMMENT='home directory on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 1. share
SAMBA_SHARE_1_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_1_BROWSE='no'              # Should share browseable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_1_PATH='%H'                # Path of the share in filesystem
SAMBA_SHARE_1_USER='%S'                # Allowed user/groups for 1. share
SAMBA_SHARE_1_PUBLIC='no'              # Share accessable for all: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_1_READ_LIST=''             # Share only readable for
SAMBA_SHARE_1_WRITE_LIST=''            # Share only writeable for
SAMBA_SHARE_1_FORCE_CMODE='0600'       # Rights for created files
SAMBA_SHARE_1_FORCE_DIRMODE='0700'     # Rights for created directories
SAMBA_SHARE_1_FORCE_USER=''            # User for all file operations
SAMBA_SHARE_1_FORCE_GROUP=''           # Group for all file operations

SAMBA_SHARE_2_ACTIVE='no'              # Is this share active: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_2_NAME='all'               # This is the name of the 2. share
SAMBA_SHARE_2_COMMENT='complete filesystem on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 2. share
SAMBA_SHARE_2_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_2_BROWSE='no'              # Should share browseable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_2_PATH='/'                 # Path of the share in filesystem
SAMBA_SHARE_2_USER='root'              # Allowed user/groups for 2. share
SAMBA_SHARE_2_PUBLIC='no'              # Share accessable for all: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_2_READ_LIST=''             # Share only readable for
SAMBA_SHARE_2_WRITE_LIST=''            # Share only writeable for
SAMBA_SHARE_2_FORCE_CMODE='0700'       # Rights for created files
SAMBA_SHARE_2_FORCE_DIRMODE='0700'     # Rights for created directories
SAMBA_SHARE_2_FORCE_USER=''            # User for all file operations
SAMBA_SHARE_2_FORCE_GROUP=''           # Group for all file operations

SAMBA_SHARE_3_ACTIVE='yes'             # Is this share active: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_3_NAME='public'            # This is the name of the 3. share
SAMBA_SHARE_3_COMMENT='public directory on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 3. share
SAMBA_SHARE_3_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_3_BROWSE='yes'             # Should share browseable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_3_PATH='/public'           # Path of the share in filesystem
SAMBA_SHARE_3_USER='tanne'             # Allowed user/groups for 3. share
SAMBA_SHARE_3_PUBLIC='yes'             # Share accessable for all: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_3_READ_LIST=''             # Share only readable for
SAMBA_SHARE_3_WRITE_LIST=''            # Share only writeable for
SAMBA_SHARE_3_FORCE_CMODE='0666'       # Rights for created files
SAMBA_SHARE_3_FORCE_DIRMODE='0777'     # Rights for created directories
SAMBA_SHARE_3_FORCE_USER=''            # User for all file operations
SAMBA_SHARE_3_FORCE_GROUP=''           # Group for all file operations

SAMBA_SHARE_4_ACTIVE='yes'             # Is this share active: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_4_NAME='www'               # This is the name of the 4. share
SAMBA_SHARE_4_COMMENT='doc root on %h' # Comment of the 4. share
SAMBA_SHARE_4_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_4_BROWSE='yes'             # Should share browseable: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_4_PATH='/var/www/htdocs'   # Path of the share in filesystem
SAMBA_SHARE_4_USER='wwwrun tanne'      # Allowed user/groups for 4. share
SAMBA_SHARE_4_PUBLIC='no'              # Share accessable for all: yes or no
SAMBA_SHARE_4_READ_LIST=''             # Share only readable for
SAMBA_SHARE_4_WRITE_LIST=''            # Share only writeable for
SAMBA_SHARE_4_FORCE_CMODE='0644'       # Rights for created files
SAMBA_SHARE_4_FORCE_DIRMODE='0755'     # Rights for created directories
SAMBA_SHARE_4_FORCE_USER='wwwrun'      # User for all file operations
SAMBA_SHARE_4_FORCE_GROUP='nogroup'    # Group for all file operations

SAMBA_DFSROOT_N='0'                    # How many DFS roots do you want
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_ACTIVE='no'            # Activate this DFS root: yes or no
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_NAME='dfs1'            # This is the name of the . DFS root
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_COMMENT=''             # Comment of the . DFS root
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_RW='yes'               # Should DFS root be writeable: 
yes or no
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_BROWSE='yes'           # Should DFS root be browseable: 
yes or no
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_USER=''                # Allowed user/groups for this 
DFS root
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_PUBLIC='yes'           # DFS root accessable for all: 
yes or no
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_READ_LIST=''           # DFS root only readable for
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_WRITE_LIST=''          # DFS root only writeable for
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_FORCE_CMODE=''         # Rights for created files
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_FORCE_DIRMODE=''       # Rights for created directories
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_FORCE_USER=''          # User for all file operations
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_FORCE_GROUP=''         # Group for all file operations
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_DFSLNK_N='1'           # How many links should be created
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_DFSLNK_1_ACTIVE='yes'  # Should this link active: yes or no
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_DFSLNK_1_SUBPATH=''    # Sub directory for this link
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_DFSLNK_1_NAME='users'  # Name of the link
SAMBA_DFSROOT_1_DFSLNK_1_UNC_N='1'     # How many unc pathes should be 
                                        # unc path for this link

SAMBA_PRINTER_N='0'                    # How many printers you want to use
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_NAME='laserjet'        # This is the name of the 1. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_TYPE='printcap'        # Type of the 1. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PDF_QUALITY=''         # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_CAPNAME='pr1'          # The name of the 1. printer in
                                        # /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_COMMENT='laserjet on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 1. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 1. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_USER=''                # Allowed user/groups for 1. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_1_PUBLIC='yes'           # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_PRINTER_2_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_NAME='epson'           # This is the name of the 2. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_TYPE='printcap'        # Type of the 2. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PDF_QUALITY=''         # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_CAPNAME='pr2'          # The name of the 2. printer
                                        # in /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_COMMENT='epson on %h'  # Comment of the 2. local printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 2. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_USER='user1 user2'     # Allowed user/groups for 2. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_2_PUBLIC='no'            # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_PRINTER_3_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_NAME='canon'           # This is the name of the 3. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_TYPE='printcap'        # Type of the 3. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PDF_QUALITY=''         # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_CAPNAME='repr1'        # The name of the 3. printer
                                        # in /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_COMMENT='canon on %h'  # Comment of the 3. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 3. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_USER='+users'          # Allowed user/groups for 3rd printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_3_PUBLIC='no'            # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_PRINTER_4_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_NAME='eisfax'          # This is the name of the 4. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_TYPE='fax'             # Type of the 4. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PDF_QUALITY=''         # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_CAPNAME=''             # The name of the 4. printer
                                        # in /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_COMMENT='eisfax on %h' # Comment of the 4. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 4. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_USER=''                # Allowed user/groups for 4. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_4_PUBLIC='yes'           # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_PRINTER_5_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_NAME='pdf-def'         # This is the name of the 5. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_TYPE='pdf'             # Type of the 5. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PDF_QUALITY='default'  # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_CAPNAME=''             # The name of the 5. printer
                                        # in /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_COMMENT='pdf default on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 5. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 5. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_USER=''                # Allowed user/groups for 5. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_5_PUBLIC='yes'           # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_PRINTER_6_ACTIVE='no'            # Is this printer active: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_NAME='pdf-pre'         # This is the name of the 6. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_TYPE='pdf'             # Type of the 6. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PDF_QUALITY='prepress' # Quality of pdf files
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PDF_OWNERPASS=''       # Password for editing PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PDF_USERPASS=''        # Password for opening PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PDF_PERMS=''           # Permissions for PDF files
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PDF_MESSAGES='yes'     # Messages for PDF files: yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_CAPNAME=''             # The name of the 6. printer
                                        # in /etc/printcap
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_COMMENT='pdf prepress on %h'
                                        # Comment of the 6. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_CLIENTDRIVER='yes'     # Use clientdriver for the 6. 
                                        # yes or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_BROWSE='yes'           # Should printer browseable: yes 
or no
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_USER=''                # Allowed user/groups for 6. printer
SAMBA_PRINTER_6_PUBLIC='yes'           # Printer accessable for all: yes 
or no

SAMBA_MOUNT_N='0'                      # How many remote shares you want 
to mount
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_ACTIVE='no'              # Is this mount active: yes or no
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_SERVER='fli4l'           # The netbios name of the 1. server
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_SHARE='share1'           # The name of the 1. share to mount
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_POINT='/mountpoint1'     # Where you want to mount the share
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_USER=''                  # The user name for share access
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_PASS=''                  # The password for share access
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_UID=''                   # Mount share with uid/username
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_GID=''                   # Mount share with gid/groupname
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_FMASK=''                 # Mount share with file umask
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_DMASK=''                 # Mount share with directory umask
SAMBA_MOUNT_1_IOCHARSET='utf8'         # Mount share with linux charset

SAMBA_MOUNT_2_ACTIVE='no'              # Is this mount active: yes or no
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_SERVER='ente'            # The netbios name of the 1. server
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_SHARE='downloads'        # The name of the 1. share to mount
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_POINT='/mountpoint2'     # Where you want to mount the share
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_USER='king'              # The user name for share access
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_PASS='kong'              # The password for share access
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_RW='yes'                 # Should share writeable: yes or no
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_UID='root'               # Mount share with uid/username
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_GID='root'               # Mount share with gid/groupname
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_FMASK='0777'             # Mount share with file umask
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_DMASK='0777'             # Mount share with directory umask
SAMBA_MOUNT_2_IOCHARSET='utf8'         # Mount share with linux charset

Gruß, Tanne
Es grüsst hochachtungsvoll
******* T A N N E ********

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