[Eisfair] wsdd neue Version 1.0.2
Marcus Röckrath
marcus.roeckrath at gmx.de
Sa Sep 2 14:06:45 CEST 2023
Hallo Peter,
Marcus Röckrath wrote:
nach eigenen Test, schlage ich vor, damit samba den wsdd starten und stoppen
> After=network-online.target samba.service
> Wants=network-online.target samba.service
In beiden vorstehenden Zeilen samba.service raus.
> ; It makes sense to have Samba running when wsdd starts, but is not
> required.
> ; Thus, the next to lines are disabled and use BindsTo only.
> ; One may also add any of these services to After for stronger binding.
> #BindsTo=samba.service
# weg also aktiv schalten.
> Requires=samba.service
Hier mit # auskommentieren.
Gruß Marcus
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