[Eisfair] [e1] owncloud upgrade 1.8.0 endet mit Fehler
Olaf Jaehrling
eisfair at ojaehrling.de
So Jun 23 00:46:23 CEST 2019
Hallo Texana,
Taxena Gasparov schrieb am 23.06.2019 um 00:31:
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Turned on maintenance mode
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair step: Upgrade app code from the marketplace
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair info: Appstore was disabled in past versions and marketplace interactions are disabled for now as well.
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair info: If you would like to get automated app updates on upgrade please enable the market app and remove "appstoreenabled" from your config.
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair info: Please note that the market app is not recommended for clustered setups - see https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.2/go.php?to=admin-marketplace-apps
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair warning: You have incompatible or missing apps enabled that could not be found or updated via the marketplace.
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair warning: Please install or update the following apps manually or disable them with:
>> occ app:disable notes
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Repair warning: For manually updating, see https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.2/go.php?to=admin-marketplace-apps
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 OC\RepairException: Upgrade is not possible
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Update failed
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Maintenance mode is kept active
>> 2019-06-22 23:33:19+02:00 Reset log level
ich habe zwar kein owncloud (ich nutze nextcloud und das auch nicht als
eisfairpaket), aber vllt. kann ich dir helfen
Schau mal bitte nach ob du in der config.php einen Eintrag
"appstoreenabled" hast. Wenn ja kommentiere ihn mal mit #aus
Wenn ich dein Logfile richtig interpretiere sollte die config.php unter
Danach startet du auf der Console:
su - wwwrun
./occ upgrade
Evtl noch vorher als root
chmod +x /var/www/htdocs/owncloud/occ
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