[Eisfair] Part-Time Job
maurogonzal22 at gmail.com
So Jan 29 08:22:06 CET 2012
GreetingsI represent a large international company where I work as a manager of its personnel recruitment department.Our company takes an active part in the life of its subsidiaries, for example: - real estate- companies setting-up and winding-up- supporting business in Europe and other countries - etc.We have vacancies to be filled by Europe residents only:- salary 2.500 euro + bonus- partial employment- optimal timetableIf you are interested in this job, please, send us your contact information: e u r o @ u l t r a u p s . c o m (Please delete spaces in email address before mailing us)Full name:Country:CityE-mail:Contact phone number: Note! We are searching EU only!Please provide us with your Personal data (Phone number and First and Last name) and our manager will contact to you to make a brief interview.
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