[Eisfair] motion eis1 frage
Marko Lueke
marko16101975 at gmx.de
Mo Jan 2 18:05:22 CET 2012
Hallo Ng,
hab mal wieder ein Problem, hab meinen Server umgebastelt, alles neu
installiert, das Hauptsystem liegt auf Platte1, www usw auf ner extra
Platte2, wie bekomme ich das Motion Paket dazu, die Bilder auf die
Platte2 zu schicken, beim Aufruf von Motion bekomme ich, "Seite kann
nicht angezeigt werden" ein blick in das Root Verzeichnis der Platte1
über 5000 Dateien vom Motion obwohl das garnicht sein dürfte, da ich das
Motion so eingestellt hab, das immer nur ein Bild gespeichert werden soll
die Einstellungen vom Motion sehen so aus
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # general settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> START_MOTION='yes' # enable motion program: yes or no
> MOTION_SETUPMODE_ENABLED='no' # enable setup mode: yes or no
> MOTION_COMMAND_PRESTART='' # optional pre-start command
> MOTION_COMMAND_POSTSTART='' # optional post-start command
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # video kernel modules
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_MODULES_N='3' # number of kernel modules to load
> MOTION_MODULES_1_ACTIVE='no' # 1. active: yes or no
> MOTION_MODULES_1_NAME='videodev' # name of kernel module
> MOTION_MODULES_1_OPTIONS='' # optional module parameters
> MOTION_MODULES_2_ACTIVE='no' # 2. active: yes or no
> MOTION_MODULES_2_NAME='pwc' # name of kernel module
> MOTION_MODULES_2_OPTIONS='fps=5' # optional module parameters
> MOTION_MODULES_3_ACTIVE='no' # 3. active: yes or no
> MOTION_MODULES_3_NAME='pwcx' # name of kernel module
> MOTION_MODULES_3_OPTIONS='' # optional module parameters
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # control web interface
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_CONTROL_PORT='8282' # tcp-port of web control interface
> MOTION_CONTROL_USER='marko' # username
> MOTION_CONTROL_PASS='madman15' # password
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # default: video settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_FREQ='0' # TV tuner frequency (kHz)
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_ROTATE='0' # rotate image this number of degrees
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_WIDTH='576' # camera dependent image width (pixels)
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_HEIGHT='352' # camera dependent image height (pixels)
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_FRAMERATE='0' # frames to be captured per second
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_FRAMETIME='0' # time between capturing pictures (sec)
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS='0' # brightness of a video device, see doc!
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_CONTRAST='0' # contrast of a video device
> MOTION_DEF_VIDEO_SATURATION='0' # saturation of a video device
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # default: motion detection settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_TRIGGER='1500' # number of changed pixels in an image
> # that triggers motion detection
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_NOISE_TUNE='yes' # automatically tune noise threshold
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_NOISE_LEVEL='32' # noise threshold for motion detection
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_LIGHTSWITCH='0' # ignore sudden massive light intensity
> # changes
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_FRAMES='1' # number of frames to detect motion
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_PRECAPTURE='0' # number of frames to capture before
> # motion
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_POSTCAPTURE='0' # number of frames to capture after
> # motion
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_ENDGAP='60' # end of motion gap before event trigger
> MOTION_DEF_MOTION_LOCATE='no' # locate/draw a box around the moving
> # object
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # default: mask settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_DEF_MASK_FILE='' # PGM file to use as a sensitivity mask
> MOTION_DEF_MASK_SPEED='0' # dynamically create a mask file
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # default: capture settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_DEF_TEXT_LEFT='CAMERA %t' # default text lable, left side
> MOTION_DEF_TEXT_RIGHT='%Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q'
> # default text lable, right side
> MOTION_DEF_TEXT_SIZE='normal' # default text size: normal or double
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_IMAGE='no' # create jpeg file on event
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_ALL='no' # always save images even if no motion
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_SNAPSHOT='0' # create snapshot each n seconds
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_QUALITY='75' # jpeg image quality
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_MOVIE='no' # create mpeg movie on event
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_LENGTH='0' # maximum length of an mpeg movie (sec)
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_TIMELAPS='0' # create timelaps movie saving a frame
> # each n seconds
> MOTION_DEF_CAPTURE_CODEC='msmpeg4' # video codec
> MOTION_DEF_WEBCAM_PORT='8081' # tcp-port of webcam interface
> MOTION_DEF_WEBCAM_MOTION='no' # output 1 fps when no motion is detected
> MOTION_DEF_WEBCAM_FRAMERATE='1' # maximum framerate for webcam streams
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # default: event settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_DEF_ON_CAMERALOST='' # execute command when camera connection
> # can't be opened or if it is lost
> MOTION_DEF_ON_EVENTSTART='' # execute command when an event starts
> MOTION_DEF_ON_EVENTEND='' # execute command when an event ends
> MOTION_DEF_ON_MOTIONDETECT='' # execute command when motion is detected
> MOTION_DEF_ON_MOVIESTART='' # execute command when a movie file is
> # created
> MOTION_DEF_ON_MOVIEEND='' # execute command when a movie file is
> # closed
> MOTION_DEF_ON_PICTURESAVE='' # execute command when a picture is saved
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # device specific: individual settings
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MOTION_N='1' # number of video devices
> MOTION_1_ACTIVE='yes' # 1. activate configuration: yes or no
> MOTION_1_VIDEO_DEVICE='/dev/video0' # device used for capturing
> MOTION_1_VIDEO_INPUT='1' # video input to be used
> MOTION_1_NETCAM_URL='' # URL to use for network camera
> MOTION_1_NETCAM_USER='' # username for network camera
> MOTION_1_NETCAM_PASS='' # password for network camera
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # end
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wie bekomm ich den ganzen Spass aus dem Root Verzeichnis raus?
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