[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie] DGK Annual Meeting 2021 - Call for Abstracts open!
Többens, Daniel
daniel.toebbens at helmholtz-berlin.de
Di Dez 8 08:44:18 CET 2020
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to the upcoming ‘DGK Jahrestagung 2021’ of the
German Society for Crystallography (DGK) from 15 - 18 March 2021,
organised by DESY (Hamburg, Germany).
The DGK2021 conference will offer a virtual platform for a fruitful
exchange of scientific results and new ideas. Crystallography is a
modern, interdisciplinary field of research and relevant for many
innovations ranging from novel pharmaceuticals to new materials. The DGK
aims at bringing together all those active in the different fields of
If you want to participate, please note the following *dates and deadlines*:
Abstract submission opens: 7 December 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 6 January 2021
Registration opens: 15 January 2021
Registration deadline: 17 March 2021
*Call for abstracts*
If you want to present your research (oral/poster) at the DGK2021
conference, we kindly ask you to submit an abstract until the deadline
via this submission form:
The abstract should be about half a page A4 long. 1-2 figures can be
attached, as well as a separate file. Please include references and
figure captions at the end of your abstract.
We are looking forward to seeing you virtually in March 2021!
The DGK2021 Organising Committee
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