[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie] MASTER 2 RESEARCH SCOLARSHIPS - CALL FOR APPLICATION
GUILLOUET Céline 239872
Celine.GUILLOUET at cea.fr
Mi Jan 21 17:52:48 CET 2015
Dear Colleagues,
The Labex GRAL program : Grenoble Alliance for Structural and Cell Biology (www.Labex-Gral.fr<http://www.Labex-Gral.fr>) in collaboration with the University of Grenoble seeks applications for Master 2 scholarships.
You will find attached our call for proposal dedicated to excellent students who would like to make a Master 2 research in Grenoble
Can I ask you to make a large diffusion of our offer around you?
Please fill free to contact me for any further information.
If you would like, I will send you, as soon as possible, a poster of that proposal.
I thank you in advance for your collaboration.
With my best regards,
Céline Guillouet
Executive Manager Labex GRAL
CEA Grenoble
Institut de Recherches et Technologies pour les Sciences du Vivant
Bât. C3-344,
17 rue des Martyrs,
F-38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France)
+33 4 38 78 08 66 / + 33 6 98 13 31 30
celine.guillouet at cea.fr<mailto:celine.guillouet at cea.fr>
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