[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie] 7th Mid-European Clay Conference 16 - 19 September 2014, Radebeul - Call for Abstracts
Prof. Dr. Helge Stanjek and Dr. Reinhard Kleeberg
mecc2014 at conventus.de
Mi Mär 5 19:52:11 CET 2014
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7th Mid-European Clay Conference 2014
Dear collegues
It is a great pleasure for the organising committee and the German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group (DTTG) to invite you to the upcoming 7th Mid-European Clay Conference 2014 from 16 - 19 September 2014 in Radebeul, near Dresden.
We kindly request your active support by submitting scientific contributions related to the main topics of the conference.
• Crystal structure of clay minerals
• Clays, reservoir rocks and energy issues
• Clays in geotechnical applications
• Stability of engineered clay barriers in radioactive waste disposal
• Clay minerals in diagenetic and low temperature metamorphic environments
• Clay minerals in hydro- and geothermal systems
• Analytical tools for improved characterization of clays and clay minerals
• Industrial clays
• Clays and clay-sized minerals in soils and young sediments
• Properties and processes at the aqueous interface of clay minerals
• General session
Please click here to download the Call for abstracts flyer http://www.conventus.de/fileadmin/media/2014/mecc/Programm/2014_02_26_MECC2014_CfA_5_.pdf (PDF).
Up-to-date and any necessary information regarding scientific topics and organisational remarks can be found at our conference website www.mecc2014.de.
Abstracts should be submitted in English by 01 May 2014.
Please click here to submit your abstract. http://www.conventus.de/mecc2014_abstracts
In addition, registration forms for the online registration are also available on the conference website.
Please click here for online registration http://www.conventus.de/mecc2014_registration.
We are looking forward to your attendance.
On behalf of the organising committee and the DTTG
With best regards
Prof. Dr. Helge Stanjek and Dr. Reinhard Kleeberg
Conference chairs MECC 2014
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