[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie]8th Workshop on Aperiodic Crystals, 12th–15th March 2015 in Bayreuth
"Schönleber, Andreas"
andreas.schoenleber at uni-bayreuth.de
Mo Dez 15 10:20:26 CET 2014
Dear all!
This is a workshop announcement:
The *8^th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals* (12^th
–15^th March 2015 in Bayreuth) continues a series of workshops on the
structure determination of incommensurate crystals at the University of
Bayreuth. An overview will be provided of the methods of structural
analysis of incommensurately modulated crystals and composite crystals.
Lectures will cover the basic principles of the superspace approach as
well as recent developments on modulation functions and charge flipping.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice structural analysis
in superspace with the computer programs Superflip and Jana2006 (the
authors are present during the workshop). A step–by–step tutorial will
guide you through the complete task of structure determination and
crystal–chemical analysis of selected examples. Your own data sets will
be welcome, too.
The number of participants will be limited to 30.
Further informationen:http://aperiodic.uni-bayreuth.de/workshop_2015/ .
On behalf of the organizers, with kind regards,
Andreas Schönleber
Andreas Schoenleber
Laboratory of Crystallography
BGI Building, Universitaetsstrasse 30
University of Bayreuth
D-95440 Bayreuth
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